If you haven't already guessed it by the title of today's post, the big news is...we're moving!! This week was a very crazy week at Kids' College, and in the middle of it Bryan decided that we should move. Ok, so that is not exactly how it happened, but something along those lines. This is not the big move that we are anticipating within the next year, but we are moving about an hour away from where we currently live. It couldn't have come at a better time. I am completely free now that I am no longer working and this puts Bryan much closer to work. Our house is in absolute chaos right now; I have been sorting through things the past two days and organizing everything into boxes and categories. A friend mentioned yesterday that I have really been slacking on my blog and had to post something! I know that I told you the past three weeks I would be in and out, and I'm afraid it will be that way for at least the next two weeks, too. We are literally downsizing 4,500 square feet and are thinking of this new place as a nice vacation cottage. I've completely gone from one mental thought process of decorating to another. Gone are my rich, elegant colors and hello to new, bright, cheery colors. The new cottage, as I might start calling it, has to be full of bright colors in order to make the tiny place pop. This has all transpired so quickly that I have told about three people. For my friends who are finding about this via my blog, I truly apologize I haven't had time to call. Go ahead and flood me with texts and calls, I deserve it for being such a bad friend and not filling you in on this in person. I have lots to blog about...my sailing pictures from last weekend...what has been growing in my garden/yard...whenever I get down time I will try to post on each. Otherwise, I will be doing a lot of packing. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Good luck with the moving, it will be hard downsizing, but I am sure you will make it work :)