Amongst all the moving that went on this past weekend, Bryan and I were able to have a little fun, too. Laura, aka Lil' Bit, aka Lala, came to visit early Thursday and stayed until Saturday afternoon. I would not have gotten as much accomplished if she had not been here. I tell myself every time she visits that I need to write down her quotes, they are priceless. One of my favorites was when she got the drill and said, "Could this kill someone?"

We now have electricity at our new home! I'm hoping it was just the heat, but the air conditioner took forever to cool the place. Yesterday I went to Kohl's, TJMaxx, Ross, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Pier 1, Kirkland's, Michael's, Hobby Lobby and other little places in between. My favorite find of the day was a lamp that I saw in a window of a thrift store. The rest was absolute junk, but I scored this beauty for $25!

As we were going to Lowe's on Sunday, Bryan and I passed a little flea market. Itwas already closed, but a couple of people let us run through their area. I spied a bench to put on my front porch. Bryan whispered and asked what I would pay, my reply, "20 dollars." A few minutes later when he asked the man the price he said, "I'll take 20 dollars." It is now sitting on my front porch.
I'm off to find the ribbon for my wreath!