Do you ever get that itch to re-organize your closet just on a whim? You have to do the obvious spring closet-switch and winter closet-switch, but I'm talking about that little light bulb that pops into your head when you walk in and flip on the light switch at any random time. By now you are either agreeing with me, or thinking that I am the craziest loon out there. Probably the latter. When Bryan and I merged closets I almost had a heart attack. I've never thought of myself as a person that has a lot of "stuff" or even lots of clothes. But my goodness, where did he expect me to keep all of my things? I cannot tell you how many times I have re-organized our closet since we have been married. Sometimes my re-organization starts when I walk in to hang up a few clean shirts. Other times I wake up in the morning with a closet-mission in mind. Once I moved the light to an opposite wall. I even got fancy motion lights that can be switched on and off to come on when you walk into the closet. I cannot remember the last time they were actually switched on. Today is no re-organizing the closet day, but I do have to do some major cleaning and hanging up of clothes. Below are some closets that are inspiring.
Couldn't resist adding this one. Makes me say "Oh my!"

One of my favorite closets that I have ever seen is peanutbabycake's from the Purse Forum. It is to die for!

Nothing like utilizing all of the space you have.

Big or small, even Carrie Bradshaw knew how to make-do with her small space. In the end, think about what Mr. Big gave her!

Not that anyone has this few clothes or this few shoes, but this closet makes me think chic--look at the wallpaper and glamorous chandelier!
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