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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Head Spinning

My sister and I try to get a morning chat in each day while she is getting ready or on her way to work. This morning when she called I told her I had already cooked two breakfasts, folded laundry, stripped the bed and put sheets into the washing machine, unloaded the dish washer, re-loaded the dish washer, washed dishes by hand, cleaned the bathroom and taken out the trash...that was all before 8:00 am. She said I was nuts.

This week I kept the kiddos from 7:15 am until 5:15 pm, which has made for very long days and little time for me to accomplish my every day tasks at home. We went bowling, ate shaved ice, watched Duck Dynasty and played hopscotch--and that was only the beginning.

Today I have about a million and one things to do before we have dinner with friends tonight. Dr. Ash's parents are coming into town and her desk that I have been working on has got to be finished and the painting room cleaned. This is the start of my Target's going to be one of those kinds of trips where you need everything.

Call me crazy, but do you do this? I take pictures with my phone of things I want to remember or recipes I want to cook. I cannot tell you how many pictures on my phone are like these. I saw this in the newspaper earlier this week and clicked away.

I take screen shots of outfits I like on Instagram...

And even pictures of doo-dads like this clear organization box.

Maybe I should enroll in an I Take Way Too Many Pictures and Only Use Part of Them class. Bryan and I have postponed date night until tomorrow night because tonight is the only night for the next month that we can eat with our newlywed friends. I'm already dreaming about the yummy steak that Bryan is going to grill; it's been so long since I've had red meat. Peaches are starting to be ready and since I've seen lots of delicious looking peach recipes I'm hoping to find some at the Farmer's Market this morning. Have a great day!


  1. Busy girl! Good luck finishing your mile long to-do list before the in-laws arrive! I take screen shots and pictures of recipes from magazines and other random places all the time!! I just learned how to take screen shots on my IPHONE a few months ago, and I've been taking them like crazy! Have a fun night with your newlywed friends!

  2. That's the best idea, to take photos of recipes and things I like. I need to do that more often!

  3. I take pictures of stuff I want to remember too; books, recipes, design ideas. Glad to hear other people do that too.

  4. Constantly, I have over 3,000 pics of recipes, ootd's, pinterest, house ideas...mostly my babies though...What did we do without smart phones?

    Love your blog :)

  5. I also take pics of recipes that I want to cook in the future (from cookbooks,magazines) using my iPad and when it's cooking time I just have my iPad with me and I'm good to go!
