Women (and men) are painting their toenails teal during September. Why? To raise awareness of Ovarian Cancer in order to save lives. Teal Toes encourages people to paint their toenails teal, the color of Ovarian Cancer Awareness, during September, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month.
"Painting toenails teal, the Ovarian Cancer color, starts the conversation about the signs of this whispering killer," said Carey Fitzmaurice, founder of Teal Toes and a four year survivor of Ovarian Cancer. "The conversation can save lives. Women diagnosed at an early stage have a much higher five-year survival rate than those diagnosed at a later stage. Fewer than 20 percent of Ovarian Cancer patients are diagnosed early."
The Teal Toes web site includes valuable information about symptoms of Ovarian Cancer, resources for additional information, ideas for how to spread the word about Ovarian Caner and even lists of teal nail polish.
"Painting toenails teal, the Ovarian Cancer color, starts the conversation about the signs of this whispering killer," said Carey Fitzmaurice, founder of Teal Toes and a four year survivor of Ovarian Cancer. "The conversation can save lives. Women diagnosed at an early stage have a much higher five-year survival rate than those diagnosed at a later stage. Fewer than 20 percent of Ovarian Cancer patients are diagnosed early."
The Teal Toes web site includes valuable information about symptoms of Ovarian Cancer, resources for additional information, ideas for how to spread the word about Ovarian Caner and even lists of teal nail polish.
All information via here.
Teal in life.

Thanks for sharing! I've seen the Teal Toes logo and wondered what it was about... now that I finally know I am going to paint my toes teal!