Saturday Bryan and I got to watch Lauren's and Peyton's last basketball games of the season. I took lots of pictures, but sadly none of them turned out very well. After the games Bryan headed off to fish for the afternoon. I went to meet Emily for a girls' afternoon of lunch and shopping. That was abruptly stopped when after a short phone call we realized that our wedding calculations were wrong. (The whole reason of the trip was because my YOUNGEST cousin, Nathaniel, was getting married to his sweetheart, Lauren--not to be confused with little Lauren.) We raced home, got home and made it to the church with ten minutes to spare! So much for our relaxing afternoon!
The wedding was very sweet! Welcome to the family LAUREN!!
After the wedding some of us went to Hog Haus for drinks and food. As the evening went on, I felt worse and worse. I ended up calling it an early night and headed home for bed. Not to be a party pooper for everyone, I sent Bryan out on the town with Emily. Apparently I missed out on quite a bit...a bride in her dress at the bar, a barefoot bridesmaid, and a groomsman with only his vest on. (This was NOT a part of the same wedding I had attended earlier.)
Sunday we stayed in our pajamas until 2:00! None of us wanted to leave and head back to the real world. I have to admit that I was a bit spoiled with Lesly's cooking--she is a fabulous cook! I finally pulled my camera out a few minutes ago and have added some pictures. I'm still feeling yucky, but cannot get in to see a doctor until Thursday. I'm sure I'll be better by then.
Here are Bryan and Peyton....they spent hours playing playing the Wii and PS3.
Here are Bryan and I at the reception.
Here I am with my Mimi and Emily.