Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Friend The Man Repeller

Leandra Medine aka The Man Repeller burst onto the fashion scene with such gusto that everyone was instantly drawn to the method of her madness. She has quickly transformed into a fashion icon and has loyal followers world-wide. If you are totally lost and do not have a clue about who I am talking about I highly suggest you check out The Man Repeller site and get in the know. There are multiple ways to follow this leading lady, her Tumblr being one of them, but I keep up to date with her the most on Instagram. Have I mentioned yet that we are bff's now? Ok, so maybe not that close, but we chat. Alright, we've had one exchange...but how stinkin' cool is that? The Man Repeller talked to me!

Pretty cool, huh?!? We're totes friends now. I looked up the Mr. Kate website and found some jewelry that is now on my birthday list. I think the bracelets are perfect for a stunning eye party. 

 I know we all could spend hours on Pinterest, so I pulled up a few of my favorite Man Repeller photos from there. Enjoy!


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